Why can't my boyfriend…
Ride a Triumph - Like that cool kid Matt Smith from Smoke & Throttle.
In the next shirt in the fortnight series we have Matt pull out a page from the skating past. This shirt is for those of you out there that started with four wheel on a plywood board (mine was plastic and sucked).
In the coming fortnights we have even more folks to look forward to:
Matt Welsh from (The Self Centered Man), JP from (The Selvedge Yard), Sean Theobald from (Philly Scooters), Brian Isserman the man at (Primer, Michele Melcher the (awesome illustrator), Terence Bishop from (Bishop Brand), Frank McShane yes an (illustrator), Don Haring (yup another illustrator), Jeff Day/John Joslin (TreeFort), Mike - where we get the shirts printed - hi voltage, John Ritter another amazingillustrator, Bob Lewin, Jon Geiger 2stroke nut job at GeigerWorks), David Keen, Jack Randleman, and Pete Young from the blog Occhio Lungo